Sri Lanka Tour Guides
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Sri Lanka Tour Guide - Kundenreferenzen

Ich hatte eine tolle Zeit in Sri Lanka mit Lal.Es war eine wunderbare Reise.

Sabine, Deutschland

Unsere Reise war super!.Wir reisen in der ganzen Welt mit verschiedenen Reiseleiter. Aber Lal ist der beste Führer aller Zeiten. Er war sehr nett, freundlich und hilfsbereit die ganze Zeit. . Er hat alle unsere Probleme geloescht. Wir haben viele verschiedene Orte gesehen und wir hatten schöne Zeit mit Lal. DANKE.........

Joerg und Tina, Deutschland

Wir waren jetzt schon das 2 Mal in Sri Lanka und machen Touren nur mit Lal. Er ist immer gut gelaunt, kennt sein Land und Leute, hilfsbereit und macht tolle individuelle Touren. Danke. Wir kommen bestimmt wieder

Jutta, Deutschland

Der 1. Urlaub in Sri Lanka war mit Lal super Klasse. Ich bin kein Mensch der gern in großen Gruppen unterwegs ist. Mit Lal war es super toll. Bin 2 Jahre später wieder hingefahren und habe nur mit Lal Touren gemacht. Ich komme garantiert wieder um mit Lal noch mehr Sri Lanka zu sehen und kennen zu lernen

Peter, Deutschland

SriLanka sollte man nicht nur einmal in seinem Leben besuchen mindestens zwei drei mal. Das Land die Leute und natürlich unser Reiseleiter Lal er kann einem SriLanka zeigen wie kein anderer. Mit Lal macht Reisen in Sri Lanka erst richtig Spass und die Informationen die man von Ihm über das Land und Leute bekommt sind unbezahlbar. Eine Reise durch SriLanka nur mit Lal. Beim nächsten Besuch werden wir Ihn eine ganze Woche buchen. Herzlichen Dank Lal bis nächstes Jahr. Liebe Grüße Claudia und Klaus.

Yvonne, Claudia und Klaus, Deutschland

Dieser Urlaub war traumhaft! Ganz besonders lehrreich und schön waren alle Touren mit Lal! Wir kommen bestimmt wieder!

Ingrid und Gerhard, Austria

Mit Lal zu reisen ist ein echtes Erlebnis, Lal kennt jeden und alles, er ist super belesen und kann zu allem etwas sagen. Sri Lanka ist wirklich ein sehenswertes, wunderschönes Land. Mit Lal hat man die Chance auch ein bisschen hinter die Kulissen zu schauen. Er äußert offen und ehrlich seine Meinung zu allen Themen und sein Humor sorgt für eine super gute Stimmung. Ich hatte eine wirklich tolle Zeit und werde hoffentlich bald wiederkommen...

Cornelia, Deutschland

Wir haben zwei tolle Ausflüge mit Lal gemacht. Er ist ein ausgezeichneter Guide und bringt neben gutem Fachwissen auch viel Humor mit. Wenn wir wieder nach Sri Lanka kommen, gehen wir auf jedenfall wieder mit Ihm auf Tour.

Robin, Deutschland

Hi Lal, wir bedanken uns für die schöne Reise, auch wenn keine Leoparden da waren ;), wir kommen nächstes Jahr wieder, melden uns vorher bei Dir wegen Hotel. Gerne können uns auch Andere anschreiben, um sich über Dich zu erkundigen, kein Problem :) දිගු ලබන වසරේ තෙක් ජීවත් daigau labana vasarae taeka jaīvata

Sabine und Angelo, Deutschland

Wir waren bisher 2 mal in Sri Lanka und wir wollen bald wieder hin. Bei unseren ersten Aufenthalt lernten wir Lal kennen und lieben. Er ist ein ganz besonderer Mensch. Lal hat die Gabe, die Menschen mit seiner gefühlvollen Art zu beeindrucken. Wir hatten das Glück gehabt, unsere geplanten Ausflüge alle mit Lal als Reiseleiter zu machen. Ich wurde auch mit einem extra Lächeln belohnt, als ich herausgefunden hatte, dass Lal wahnsinnig gerne Mars-Riegel verspeisst. Fazit: Sri Lanka und Lal - immer eine Reise wert. Bis bald mein Guter

Sven und Ilona, Deutschland

Wir hatten wunderschöne, unvergessliche Touren und Lal ist wirklich ein toller Guide.

Vanessa und Andreas, Deutschland

Hey mein Freund, danke für Dein Engagement👍🏼 Lala ist humorvoll und sehr engagiert. Er kennt jede Ecke in Sri Lanka und zeigt einen in Kürze die Highlights. Er spricht super Deutsch und ist einfach eine gute Seele👍🏼 Freuen uns auf ein Wiedersehen

Siggi & Mareike, Deutschland

Wir haben zwei Ausflüge mit Lal gemacht. Es hat sehr viel Spaß gemacht, weil er sich überall auskennt und auch viel Rücksicht auf die einzelnen Mitglieder der kleinen Reisegruppe genommen hat. Beim nächsten Mal auf jeden Fall wieder mit Lal!

Uwe & Manuela, Deutschland

Vielen Dank Lal für die schönen Ausflüge!!! Lal ist der Hammer, er weiß so viel über Land under Leute. Es war super spanned under mit seiner Art super witzig, wir Haven so viel gelacht, hatten richtig Spaß. Wenn wir wieder nach Sri Lanka fliegen, definitiv zu Lal!!!!😀

Sabine, Deutschland

Lala ist ein absolutes Unikat. Abgesehen von seinem unglaublichem Wissen über das Land, dessen Menschen und alles was dazugehört, schafft es Lala mit seiner offenen und lustigen Art die Reise unvergesslich zu machen . Sri Lanka nur noch mit Lala ;) .

philip, Deutschland

Wir waren das erste mal in Sri Lanka und hatten das Glück alle unsere gebuchten Touren mit Lal als Reiseleiter zu erfahren. Lal ist super freundlich, humorvoll und kann super deutsch und englisch sprechen und verstehen! Mit ihm waren die Touren was Besonderes, es war nicht so steif und unpersönlich sondern richtig unterhaltend, lustig und familiär! Lal glänzt mit Wissen und hat für jede Frage eine Antwort. Das nächste mal werden wir wieder alles mit Lal buchen, er ist super! Bleib so wie du bist und vielen Dank für die schönen Touren!

Monique, Deutschland

This was our 1st visit to Shri Lanka and was lucky to have had Lal as our travel Guide,he did a fantastic job we saw a lot of interesting places and learnt a lot about the people and the Culture auf Shri Lanka👍🏼Lal is a very Intelligent,friendly and lovely person.The next time we Visite , we will surely have Lal as our Travel Guide👍🏼👍🏼. Stay the way you are ❤️Until we meet again. Vicki

Vicki, Germany

Lieber Lal, vielen Dank für den schönen Ausflug nach Negombo. Wir hatten mit Dir einen sehr tollen Tag, sahen den Obst- und Gemüsemarkt, den Fischmarkt, hatten eine kurze Bahnfahrt und danach eine lange und wunderschöne Bootsfahrt durch die Lagune. Liebe Grüße aus Wien!

Wolfgang & Norbert, Vienna, Austria

hei lal sind wieder gut zu hause gelandet, haben deine reiseleiterqualitäten sehr genossen bist ein super mensch und immer weiter zu empfehlen

roland und petra vom hotel dolphin, germany

wir waren 2 Wochen in sri lanka wir haten die ersten tage 2 reisefuehrer ,dann trafen wir lal ,lal war sehr nett und hilfsbereit wuste ueber alles bescheid.wir haben mit ihm viel von sri lanka geshen der beste reisefuehrer danke lal

vic, luxemburg

Wir haben 2014 eine 2 tägige Rundreise mit Lal gemacht. Die Reise ging von Negombo quer durch Sri Lanka, bis in das Hochland zu den Teeplantagen und mit dem Zug zurück. Es war eine Reise, in der wir sehr viele Eindrücke über das Land sammeln konnten. Dazu gehörte auch Lal, der als äußerst kompetenter Reiseleiter auftrat und der sein Land kennt wie seine eigene Westentasche. Durch seine Art, den Leuten etwas zu erklären wurde es nie langweilig und es gab immer etwas zu lachen. Auch kannte er das Wort Feierabend nicht, er stand uns rund um die Uhr mit Rat und Tat zur Seite. Ich kann euch Lal mit gutem Gewissen empfehlen, ihr seid auf den Rundreisen in guten Händen. Ich möchte hier auch noch den Fahrer"Summit" erwähnen, der uns jederzeit mit sicherer Hand durch das Land chauffiert hat und ebenfalls deutsch spricht. Viel Spaß auf der Reise und immer brav Fragen stellen........... übrigens, "Familienfotos" und "Liebesfotos" sind sind jederzeit möglich, er hält an jeder gewünschten Fotolocation an........ wirklich an jeder :-)

Bernd, Conny & Adrian, Germany

Wir haben 2014 eine 2 tägige Rundreise mit Lal gemacht. Die Reise ging von Negombo quer durch Sri Lanka, bis in das Hochland zu den Teeplantagen und mit dem Zug zurück. Es war eine Reise, in der wir sehr viele Eindrücke über das Land sammeln konnten. Dazu gehörte auch Lal, der als äußerst kompetenter Reiseleiter auftrat und der sein Land kennt wie seine eigene Westentasche. Durch seine Art, den Leuten etwas zu erklären wurde es nie langweilig und es gab immer etwas zu lachen. Auch kannte er das Wort Feierabend nicht, er stand uns rund um die Uhr mit Rat und Tat zur Seite. Ich kann euch Lal mit gutem Gewissen empfehlen, ihr seid auf den Rundreisen in guten Händen. Ich möchte hier auch noch den Fahrer"Summit" erwähnen, der uns jederzeit mit sicherer Hand durch das Land chauffiert hat und ebenfalls deutsch spricht. Viel Spaß auf der Reise und immer brav Fragen stellen........... übrigens, "Familienfotos" und "Liebesfotos" sind sind jederzeit möglich, er hält an jeder gewünschten Fotolocation an........ wirklich an jeder :-)

Bernd, Conny & Adrian, Germany

Wir waren im Juli auf Sri Lanka. Unsere Touren mit Lal waren einfach super toll. Wir haben noch nie so einen tollen ,herzlichen und kompetenten Reiseleiter gehabt. Er hat uns Sri Lanka auf eine ganz tolle Art und Weise nahe gebracht. Jederzeit wieder....

Birgit, Germany

War ein Super Erlebnis mit Lala. Sehr netter Umgang. Werden das nächste mal nur noch mit Lala Touren machen. Freuen uns schon aufs nächste mal. Wir können Lala als Reiseführer Empfehlen. Dankeschön Lala ස්තූතියි ලස්සන

Simmen, Deutschland

Wir waren das erste Mal in Sri Lanka und habe mit Lal drei schöne Ausflüge unternommen. Wir waren begeistert, da Lal unendlich viel über sein Land und die Leute weiß, für jedes Fotomotiv einen Stopp einlegt, jede Frage beantwortet und sich auf alle Wünsche einstellt. Wir haben viele unvergessliche Momente erlebt und würden mit Lal immer wieder gern Sri Lanka erkunden. Vielen Dank nochmal Lal! Liebe Grüße Steffi & Andreas

Steffi und Andreas, Deutschland

Wir waren und sind immer noch begeistert von Sir Lanka. Ein großer Teil unserer Begeisterung für Sri Lanka hat einen Lal bei uns ausgelöst. Seine Nette art und liebevoll Erzählungen über Sri Lanka hat uns begeistert. Lal ist bis jetzt der Reiseführer mit dem ich jederzeit wieder eine Reise durchführen würde ohne bedenken. Er ist und bleibt Spitze!! Wir werden bestimmt wieder kommen und mit Lal eine Tour buchen. Es ist wärmstens zu Empfehlen!!

Eddy und Bianca, Deutschland

Wir sind das erste mal in sri Lanka und hatten Glück unseren ersten Ausflug nach Galle mit fernando unternehmen zu können. Der zweite Ausflug 2 tage später nach kandy war (Gott sei Dank) wieder mit fernando. Man merkt wie viel spaß es ihm macht, Touristen "sein" sri lanka zu zeigen. Sein deutsch ist wirklich sehr gut und er hat ein sehr großes wissen - unsere fragen konnten alle beantwortet werden - ob es um Schule, Führerschein oder um die Arbeit ging. Er geht auch auf jeden einzelnen gast ein. Bei unserem ersten ausflug nach galle hat ein paar nach Arrak (typisches Getränk in sri lanka) gesucht - wir haben an 2 supermärkte gehalten bis sie einen gefunden haben. Beim 2. Ausflug nach kandy musste ein paar in die apotheke und wir haben einen stopp - neben dem straffen programm - bei einer Apotheke gemacht. Fernando ist auch immer an deren seite gewesen und hat sie in den Läden unterstützt. Er ist ein herzensguter mensch der mit seinem lachen alle Gewitterwolken vertreibt :) wir können Ausflüge mit ihm nur wärmstens empfehlen. Vielen Dank Fernando!!!

Kathi und Fini, Austria, Vienna

Wir haben die Tour zum Sigiriya Felsen gemacht und haben dort am Sigiriya Felsen Elefanten reiten können, anstatt auf den Felsen zu klettern. Außerdem haben wir eine Safari gemacht, wo wir sehr viele Elefanten beobachten konnten. W. lal Fernando ist ein wirklich sehr guter Reiseführer. Er konnte uns jegliche Fragen zum Land beantworten, war sehr offen und freundlich. Es war auch gar kein Problem zwischendurch kleine Stopps zu machen, um Fotos zu schießen. Außerdem haben wir einen Juwelier besuchen können. Dort haben wir gesehen und wurde uns auf Deutsch erklärt, wie z.B. Saphir geschliffen wird. Ein sehr anstrengender, aber wirklich toller Ausflug!

Christian und Nadine, Deutschland

Bester Mann!! :) wir haben erst eine und dann alle Touren mit ihm gebucht! Der Kerl ist einfach genial mit seiner lockeren Art. Natürlich freut er sich immer über sein Trinkgeld. Dreimal hatten wir Touren mit andern Reiseleitern, die waren nicht ansatzweise so syphatisch wie unser lieber Lala. :)

Markus Bock, Bayern

Wir haben verschiedene Orte besichtigt mit Lal Fernando und würden jeder Zeit wieder mit ihm reisen. Der Zimtkanal mit dem einheimschen Obst-, Gemüse- und Fischmarkt war der Wahnsinn. Das muss man gesehen haben! Herzlichen Dank für die schöne Zeit!!!

Andrea und Markus, Deutschland

Wir haben drei individuelle Touren quer durch Sri Lanka mit Lal erleben dürfen und haben ihn als sehr guten, kompetenten Reiseleiter und als sehr liebenswürdigen Menschen kennengelernt. Er spricht perfekt deutsch und hat ein enormes Wissen über Land und Leute, was er gerne weitergibt. So sind seine Touren mega interessant und trotzdem erholsam. Sein Busfahrer war der Wahnsinn und verdient unseren ganzen Respekt. Wir haben uns trotz des chaotischen Verkehrs immer sicher gefühlt. Lal hat uns auf viele Dinge aufmerksam gemach, die wir sonst gar nicht bemerkt hätten. Außerdem war er mit seiner stets freundlichen und gut gelaunten Art der ideale Reisebegleiter, gab prima Tipps und erklärte geduldig was uns fremd war. Vielen Dank für die schöne Zeit. Wenn wir nochmal nach Sri Lanka reisen, dann werden wir nur den Flug buchen und uns von Lal die ganze Reise zusammenstellen lassen.

Sabine, Fredi und Mike, Deutschland

Wir waren das erste Mal in Sri Lanka und hatten keine Ahnung was für ein tolles Land und was für tolle Menschen auf uns warten. Wir haben mit Lal eine Tagestour mit Zugfahrt nach Kandy gemacht dabei sind Atemberaubende Momente, Bilder und Geschichten entstanden! Er ist ein sehr unterhaltsamer Mensch, er weiß wovon er spricht und hat eine sehr sympathische Art. Die Tour war sehr gut geplant und trotz des engen Zeitplans genug Zeit um sich auch für den Moment erholen zu können. Man erlebt Sri Lanka wie es leibt und lebt. Wir können Ihn als Reiseleiter nur weiterempfehlen und werden auf jedenfall wieder kommen und weitere Reisen mit Ihm planen.

Sidney und Chrysi, Deutschland

Die Reiseführung mit Lal war SUPER. Die kleine Reisegruppe mit 4 Personen hat Lal nett und überaus freundlich an 2 Tagestouren begleitet. Wir haben viel über das Land und die Menschen auf Sri Lanka erfahren. können. Wenn wieder unser Urlaubsziel, dann mit Lal...... .Andreas, Stefan, Iris und Dietmar,Deutschland

Dietmar, Deutschland

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Phil Stewart, USA

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Christoper Cecilia, Netherlands

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Joey Nimmo, Switzerland


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Rebekah Chun, Australia

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Julianne Snider, Italy

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Nichol Lim, Sweden

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Lidia Mckenney, Australia

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Martha Goin, Austria

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Angelika Foss, Denmark

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Phil Stewart, USA

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Darrin Monzon, Germany

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Candelaria Bigge, Denmark

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Carmine Munro, Italy

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Cassandra Guillory, USA

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Beulah Showalter, Canada

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Brian Savic, AU

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Justine Beavers, United States

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Phil Stewart, USA

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Aileen Shand, Netherlands

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Annis Gerrard, Germany


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Ken Turman, USA

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Bennett Kossak, Brazil

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Adolfo Burgos, Switzerland

Just as you've received this message, we can deliver your message to millions of readers successfully. Enhance your outreach with our bulk contact form submission service. Send up to 1 million messages daily and reach millions of website owners immediately. Our service helps you generate: + Targeted Traffic + High-Quality Leads + Loyal Clients + More Purchases Don't miss on our bulk contact form submission service. Submit your message to 50 million contact forms for just $9. Your message will arrive in the inboxes of millions, producing a surge in: - Sales - Traffic - Quality leads - Customers - Clients Imagine sending millions of messages in a day, just like cold email marketing! ���� **Limited Time Offer:** Start for 50% off with coupon code **save50**. Experience the most efficient marketing strategy at a fraction of the cost of Facebook and Google Ads. -- Check out now If you want to stop receiving these mails and all future emails, please fill the form at Discesa Gaiola 139, Leonessa Di Melfi, PZ, Italy, 85020

Deangelo Stinson, US

Hi there, I apologize for using your contact form, but I wasn't sure who the right person was to speak with in your company. We have a patented application that creates Local Area pages that rank on top of Google within weeks, we call it Local Magic. Here is a link to the product page . The product leverages technology where these pages are managed dynamically by AI and it is ideal for promoting any type of business that gets customers from Google. Can I share a testimonial from one of our clients in the same industry? I'd prefer to do a short zoom to illustrate their full case study if you have time for it? You can reach me at or 843-720-7301. And if this isn't a fit please feel free to email me and I'll be sure not to reach out again. Thanks!

Jaqueline Farmer, Australia

Payroll, Insurance, inventory, & advertising EXPENSES ……UGH Want some breathing room and a break from these expenses? Get a no obligation business working capital funding quote in less than 2 minutes. ++ This Offer Only For Businesses In The USA ++ Contact me below for details Warmly, Lauren Smith HelloRates Fast Funding USA Commercial & Business working capital with affordable payments, lowest rates, & best terms

Lori Marin, Great Britain

If you think the BBB is helping you build trust and credibility with potential customers using their antiquated and questionable business tactics……Think again. The BBB has been called out for fraud, pay to play schemes and multiple states attorney generals are warning against using them. Is that who you want to anchor your business reputation and trust with? Give your prospects the credentials that they really need to review & choose your business: Vetted Business Credentials Reports makes this super easy. Simply upload your credentials to the Vetted Business Credentials Report and with just one click, you and your sales team can easily share any of the following with prospects and customers to amplify your credibility and win more sales: + Your Business License, Insurance & Bond + Your Business & Professional Certifications & Accreditations + Your Industry, Local & Trade Affiliations + Your Trust Badges, Awards, & Associations Memberships + Much more! Get Vetted and dominate your local market! See how Vetted can SUPERCHARGE your business with a No RISK 30 DAY FREE TRIAL See link in my profile to learn more or to get started. Warmly, Jennifer Corbitt Vetted Business Report Specialist 295 Seven Farms Drive Suite C-201 Charleston, SC 29492

Jesus Potts, Denmark

Looking to get your message in front of millions affordably? Visit:

Phil Stewart, USA

Are you frustrated by the high prices for simple web work & website updates? Why pay $45+ per hour for web development work, when you can get higher quality results AT LESS THAN HALF THE COST? We are a FULL SERVICE, USA managed web development agency with WHOLESALE PRICING. We charge $20 per hour compared to $35 -$75 per hour in the market. We can also do flat project based pricing if that's your preference. No job too big or small. Test out our Rockstar Team to see our value. Use the link in my signature, for a quick turn around quote. Warmly, Dan Setzinger Senior Web Specialist Fusion Web Experts 186 Daniel Island Drive Daniel Island, SC 29492

Jess Sell, Switzerland

Good People + Smart Processes + Working Capital = The Recipe for Business Success. But most small business owners put enough thought into the Capital needed to scale and grow their business. If you have the right people & the business processes in place but no working capital, then your business will be stuck in neutral. Get started with a friendly no obligation working capital quote in less than 2 minutes. == Must Be A US Based Business To Qualify == Send me a message at my contact info below for info Warmly, Lauren Smith HelloRates Fast Funding USA Commercial & Business working capital with affordable payments, lowest rates, & best terms

Armando Merz, Canada

Looking to expand your business? I can get you a loan for less than 2% interest rate. Email me here for details: Thanks Joseph

Matthew White, Italy

Hi there, I apologize for using your contact form, but I wasn't sure who the right person was to speak with in your company. We have a patented application that creates Local Area pages that rank on top of Google within weeks, we call it Local Magic. Here is a link to the product page . The product leverages technology where these pages are managed dynamically by AI and it is ideal for promoting any type of business that gets customers from Google. Can I share a testimonial from one of our clients in the same industry? I'd prefer to do a short zoom to illustrate their full case study if you have time for it? You can reach me at or 843-720-7301. And if this isn't a fit please feel free to email me and I'll be sure not to reach out again. Thanks!

Adeline Santoro, Netherlands

Hello there, Looking to enhance your brand awareness, build trust, and gain exposure at no cost? We’re providing a free article on Benzinga, a platform with over 14M+ visitors—a fantastic opportunity to increase your brand’s visibility. This offer is only available for the first 10 people who reply, so if you’d like to claim your free Benzinga article, just reply with ""YES, I would like to be featured in Benzinga!"" I’d love to help your brand get the recognition it deserves. Kind regards, Jonathan If you wish to stop getting messages from us again, kindly respond here with the phrase: “No thanks”.

Jonathan Ramirez, USA

Looking to boost traffic to your video or website economically? Reach out to me at my contact info below if you’d like more information on how I do this. Regards, Frederic Bustos Email: Website: Skype: marketingwithcontactforms

Phil Stewart, USA

Want to get millions of people to visit your website or video economically? Reach out to me at my contact info below if you’d like more information on how I do this. Regards, Bernd Braun Email: Website: Skype: marketingwithcontactforms

Phil Stewart, USA

Hi there, I apologize for using your contact form, but I wasn't sure who the right person was to speak with in your company. We have a patented application that creates Local Area pages that rank on top of Google within weeks, we call it Local Magic. Here is a link to the product page . The product leverages technology where these pages are managed dynamically by AI and it is ideal for promoting any type of business that gets customers from Google. Can I share a testimonial from one of our clients in the same industry? I'd prefer to do a short zoom to illustrate their full case study if you have time for it? You can reach me at or 843-720-7301. And if this isn't a fit please feel free to email me and I'll be sure not to reach out again. Thanks!

Tam Mitchell, Netherlands

I hope you're doing well. As a business owner, you’ve probably faced the frustration of expensive SEO tools and services that drain your wallet, yet fail to deliver the results you expected. It's tough when you invest heavily and don’t see the returns you were hoping for, right? With Insight Analyzer, you can uncover new keyword opportunities, optimize your SEO, and drive more organic traffic. It’s effective, has no monthly fees, and outperforms expensive tools like Semrush. Don’t miss out! Try Insight Analyzer today with a money-back guarantee, 24/7 support, and free automatic updates. Enjoy a 30-day free trial, and if you’re not satisfied, we’ll refund your money. Boost your SEO strategy and save big! regards joe To stop receiving any future communications through your website form, please click and enter the domain name below

Darren Hughey, Brazil

Enhance Your Venture with Shopify - Only $1/Month for 3 Months! Bring your ideas to life with Shopify’s limited-time offer: Start now for a free trial and get three months on Shopify for just $1/month on select plans. This is the perfect chance to switch or start your online store without initial investment! Why Shopify? Shopify is a comprehensive solution that lets you design, personalize, and control your online store effortlessly. Reach customers on different channels—on your website, social media, or in-person. With Shopify, you can: - Easily launch a beautiful online store - Reach customers everywhere: web, mobile, social media, and more - Oversee products, transactions, and fulfillment from any device Shopify takes care of software updates and upkeep, so you can concentrate on expanding your business. -- Get started for $1/month: Don’t let this opportunity pass to launch your dream business with Shopify’s amazing offer!

Amble Reese, United States

Hi, The ERC (Employee Retention Tax Credit) government rebate program has re-opened and we can assist you in claiming your $26,000 refund for every W-2 employee that you paid during COVID. This is money owed to you that does not need to be paid back. This is your last chance to file. Note: You MUST be a USA based business to be eligible. Visit now to calculate your owed amount before the deadline soon.

Sylvia Dicks, Italy

Hi guys Are mounting tasks keeping you from focusing on what truly matters – growing your business? At 5C Virtual Assistance, we have spent 6+ years helping businesses like yours save hours each week and cut operational costs by up to 70%. Our expert virtual assistants take over your routine tasks so you can dedicate more time to strategic growth. Why industry leaders choose 5C Virtual Assistance: • Cost-effective: + Premium support at just $9/hour – a fraction of local hiring + Flexibility: Scale support up or down based on your changing needs + Experience: 6+ years serving diverse industries + No overhead: Zero training, benefits, or office space costs + Time-zone aligned: Seamless workflow integration with your team Our VAs excel in: - Administrative Support - Customer Service - Data Entry & Management - Calendar & Email Management - Social Media Management - Research & Reporting Imagine the possibilities with an extra 20-30 hours freed up each week. Our clients typically report: + 40% increase in productivity + 25% improvement in customer response times + 15+ hours saved weekly on administrative tasks Looking to streamline your workflow? Book a free 30-minute consultation to discuss your needs. Reply to this email or call us at [phone number]. -- Visit: Best regards, Chelsea Hernandez 5C Virtual Assistance P.S. Did you know? Switching to virtual assistance saves businesses an average of $3,000 monthly. Let’s discuss how we can deliver similar results for you.

Chelsea Hernandez, USA

I can blast your ad text to millions of website contact forms. One flat rate, never any per click costs. People will read your message just like you're reading this one that I just sent through your website contact form now. Get in touch with me via email here for additional information: :

Elmer Wilcoxson, rnd-country

Need a way to get millions of people to find your video without high costs? Reach out to me at my contact info below if you’d like more information on how I do this. Regards, Bianca MacCullagh Email: Website: Skype: marketingwithcontactforms

Phil Stewart, USA

Hey, Do you want to increase trust and boost your exposure? We help companies and professionals in their fields get featured on top news platforms like Yahoo Finance, AP News, Business Insider, USA Today, and more. Being featured on these platforms boosts your brand awareness, trust, and reputation, allowing you to showcase an “As Seen On” section on your website. Having these features lets visitors know your business is recognized by trusted sources, adding strong social proof. Think this might be of interest to you? Just reply "YES". I’d be excited to assist in elevating your brand's reputation. Warm regards, Jonathan PR Boost Should you don't want to receive emails from me anymore, just send a reply to this email with the phrase: “No, I’m not interested”.

Jonathan Manning, United States

Hi friend i want to ask u if u need loan , i can give u up to 100k without any questions, fees start from 2%. u can take for long and short term, if u need please contact me My Whatsapp: +17852192072 My phone: +17852122012 My email:

Vvalkyie Dala, USA


📐 You have received 1 message # 674. Read >>> 📐, s9pnc8

Hi there, I apologize for using your contact form, but I wasn't sure who the right person was to speak with in your company. We have a patented application that creates Local Area pages that rank on top of Google within weeks, we call it Local Magic. Here is a link to the product page . The product leverages technology where these pages are managed dynamically by AI and it is ideal for promoting any type of business that gets customers from Google. Can I share a testimonial from one of our clients in the same industry? I'd prefer to do a short zoom to illustrate their full case study if you have time for it? You can reach me at or 843-720-7301. And if this isn't a fit please feel free to email me and I'll be sure not to reach out again. Thanks!

Roberta Nellis, United States

Grow Your Business with Shopify - Only $1/Month for 3 Months! Turn your ideas into reality with Shopify’s limited-time offer: Sign up for a free trial and get 3 months of Shopify for just $1/month on specific plans. This is the perfect chance to transition or start your brand without initial investment! Why Shopify? Shopify is a complete platform that lets you build, personalize, and manage your online store with ease. Reach customers on different channels—via your site, social media, or in-person. With Shopify, you can: - Quickly design an impressive online store - Sell everywhere: online, on mobile, social, and beyond - Oversee products, transactions, and fulfillment from any device Shopify manages software updates and upkeep, so you can concentrate on expanding your business. -- Get started for $1/month: Take advantage of this opportunity to build your dream business with Shopify’s incredible offer!

Weldon Griffith, United States of America

Imagine running your campaigns on autopilot. With our automated contact form marketing, your message reaches millions without the stress of ad approvals or per-click costs. Set it and forget it. Have questions? Contact me via the details below. Regards, Earlene Nale Email: Website: Skype: marketingwithcontactforms

Phil Stewart, USA

Hi, this is a friendly reminder that if your business accepted Visa/Mastercard between 2004 and 2019, you may be eligible to participate in the Visa/Mastercard class action settlement, which has set aside $5.54 Billion for businesses like yours. The deadline to submit your claim quickly arrives on February 4, 2025. You must be a USA business. For assistance with filing your claim, please visit this website:

Alda Ann, France

Hi there, I apologize for using your contact form, but I wasn't sure who the right person was to speak with in your company. We have a patented application that creates Local Area pages that rank on top of Google within weeks, we call it Local Magic. Here is a link to the product page . The product leverages technology where these pages are managed dynamically by AI and it is ideal for promoting any type of business that gets customers from Google. Can I share a testimonial from one of our clients in the same industry? I'd prefer to do a short zoom to illustrate their full case study if you have time for it? You can reach me at or 843-720-7301. And if this isn't a fit please feel free to email me and I'll be sure not to reach out again. Thanks!

Christine Winifred, Denmark

Hello, I found your website and noticed you’re using WooCommerce subscriptions (correct me if I’m wrong!). We recently helped a business streamline over $1.5M in ARR of subscriptions by optimizing their WooCommerce setup. With our tool, they were able to do things like allow users to skip weeks, adjust preferences, and modify their information—features they had always wished were easier to manage. I’m curious—how are you finding WooCommerce subscriptions? Are there any features you think could be improved? If you’re interested, feel free to take a look Superwooy at I’d appreciate your feedback! Check all features here: Best regards, Ben If you don't want to receive messages from me on this matter anymore, please just complete the form at

Denny Schiller, US

Need financial services to take your business to the next level? DAC offers a range of flexible solutions designed with entrepreneurs in mind. ���� Explore your options here: Because your business deserves the best.

Princess Ali, Norway

You are likely overspending on your credit card processing fees. Card Connect can beat your current rates by a wide margin and buy out any existing contract you have. There’s no cost to start, only savings to gain. We’ve been in business for more than 20 years and are a publicly traded company with a vast network of happy customers. What’s more, if you make the change we will give you complimentary processing systems and free installation. There is absolutely no cost to make the switch—just pure savings. If you’re interested in a no-cost review, please email us back with your contact number and one of our representatives will reach out to you personally. M.Garcia Agent at

Melody Garcia, US

Boost your Christmas sales! Bring 50K guaranteed national visitors to your site. - Guaranteed Website Traffic - Location-Specific Audience Targeting - Niche Audience Selection - Bespoke Emails Designed for You - Budget-Friendly Large-Scale Traffic It's the Holiday Shopping Season! Reach buyers looking for deals looking for deals, gifts, and services. For local business owners or retailers, our strategies bring engaged audiences to enhance your seasonal sales. xx Check out or connect us at If you’d prefer not to hear from us, please fill out the form at

Sophie James, United States

Are you struggling to reach your target audience? Let us help. We can blast your ad text to millions of website contact forms, ensuring that your message is seen by the right people. And with just one flat rate, you can reach a massive audience without worrying about per click costs. Interested? Get in touch via the contact details below. Regards, Tom Burchell Email: Website: Connect with me via Skype:

Tom Burchell, United Kingdom

Hi friend i want to ask u if u need loan , i can give u up to 100k without any questions, fees start from 2%. u can take for long and short term, if u need please contact me My Whatsapp: +17852192072 My phone: +17852122012 My email:

Vvalkyie Dala, USA

Boost Your PR Strategy with This Powerful PR Tool Press Ranger is your ultimate AI-powered PR tool, crafted to link you with over half a million key industry influencers. - Gain access to a extensive list of contacts with contact details, topics of focus, and social media links. - Generate personalized PR documents and pitch emails easily using cutting-edge technology. - Monitor and organize your media campaigns with a dedicated tracking system. - Distribute press releases to leading media platforms like Business Insider and Market Watch at wholesale prices. Push your business forward and secure the media coverage you deserve. ** Act now—this exclusive deal is ending soon: Should you no longer want to receive further correspondence from this address, kindly reply with the message: "No, thank you" 5 Banksia Court, Bloomfield, NY, USA, 4820 Should you choose to opt-out of subsequent communications from this email, just rebly back to this email with the message: "No thanks" 5 Banksia Court, Fort Covington, NY, USA, 4820

Barbara Graham, United States of America

Hi there, I apologize for using your contact form, but I wasn't sure who the right person was to speak with in your company. We have a patented application that creates Local Area pages that rank on top of Google within weeks, we call it Local Magic. Here is a link to the product page . The product leverages technology where these pages are managed dynamically by AI and it is ideal for promoting any type of business that gets customers from Google. Can I share a testimonial from one of our clients in the same industry? I'd prefer to do a short zoom to illustrate their full case study if you have time for it? You can reach me at or 843-720-7301. And if this isn't a fit please feel free to email me and I'll be sure not to reach out again. Thanks!

Rose Hannam, Norway

Attention USA businesses! If your business accepted Visa/Mastercard payments between 2004 and 2019, you could be eligible to receive part of a $5.54 billion settlement. Don’t miss the February 4, 2025 deadline to submit your claim! For assistance, visit:

Cary Playfair, Germany

Just as you got this message, we can send your message to millions of contact forms. Looking for cost-effective clients/visitors/leads? We specialize in delivering your messages directly through website contact forms, ensuring your message lands in the right inboxes. Begin reaching millions of potential customers today, all starting from just USD22! We’ll send your message to connect with millions of website owners/managers, that is your potential customers, driving quality traffic and prospects to your site. Our solution ensures your message is delivered directly, starting at just $22 only. Let’s strengthen brand recognition together! Looking for more brand visibility? Pricing: Starting from just $22. ++++ Check out: Should you wish to stop getting any more communications from this email, please follow

Jasper Padilla, USA

Struggling with low website traffic? RealPPVTraffic gives you the edge you need with 100% real visitors tailored to your niche! Check it out today:

Cecile Hamill, Germany


🏷 Reminder; Process №PD29. RECEIVE >>> 🏷, d8ge8t

Don’t Let High Upfront Costs Cost You Clients Every time a client hesitates because of upfront costs, you’re losing potential revenue. Without offering flexible financing, you risk watching your competitors gain the business you deserve. With Client Financing and Credee, you can turn hesitant prospects into committed clients and avoid losing out on valuable opportunities. Take action now before you lose more business! ✅ Key Features: Flexible plans for clients Increased conversions Stress-free financing management ���� Explore now:

Williams Mathias, Germany

Hey there, I apologize for using your contact form, but I wasn't sure who the right person was to speak with in your company. I want to ask you if you're interested in buying/renting Google Ads accounts with free spending ads credit limit of 10k monthly on each account ($329 daily budget & $120k a year of free ppc ads spend limit) for a very cheap price starting at $500-$1000? It works for all types of Google Ads policy niches like E-Commerce stores, affiliate marketing, dropshipping ads, lead generation, etc... in the search ads placement (website traffic or call leads). The best Google Ads placement feature to easily boost your online digital presence and business. Let's connect on FB and check out my recent post: Want more info: If you're interested or have any questions private email me at Learn more about me - Subscribe to my YouTube channel: Thanks & Regards, Ivan Ramirez

Christian Bedford, Austria

Hi there, I apologize for using your contact form, but I wasn't sure who the right person was to speak with in your company. We have a patented application that creates Local Area pages that rank on top of Google within weeks, we call it Local Magic. Here is a link to the product page . The product leverages technology where these pages are managed dynamically by AI and it is ideal for promoting any type of business that gets customers from Google. Can I share a testimonial from one of our clients in the same industry? I'd prefer to do a short zoom to illustrate their full case study if you have time for it? You can reach me at or 843-720-7301. And if this isn't a fit please feel free to email me and I'll be sure not to reach out again. Thanks!

Lavonda Rodrigues, Iceland

Transform your business reach with our ad-blasting service. For one flat rate, we send your message to millions of website contact forms. No per click costs - just pure results. Try it now! Get in touch with me through the info provided below if you’d like to know more about how I can help. Regards, Brad Parkhurst Email: Website:

Brad Parkhurst, Austria

Hey, I hope all is going smoothly on your end! I'm excited to share with you a complimentary guide that has the potential to transform your business: The Chat GPT Quick Guide for Success. This guide is filled with ready-to-use suggestions and tips to optimize your business processes, enhance customer engagement, and develop impactful content in a short time. It’s a straightforward approach to understand how technologies such as Chat GPT can revolutionize your routine and boost productivity. Grab your free copy here: Let me know your thoughts when you get a chance. Sincerely, Should you decide not to hear from us with emails from us, please respond to this communication saying "No Thank You". 83 Punchs Creek Road, Bridgehampton, NY, USA, 4388

Wesley Lowery, US

Hi there, I apologize for using your contact form, but I wasn't sure who the right person was to speak with in your company. We have a patented application that creates Local Area pages that rank on top of Google within weeks, we call it Local Magic. Here is a link to the product page . The product leverages technology where these pages are managed dynamically by AI and it is ideal for promoting any type of business that gets customers from Google. Can I share a testimonial from one of our clients in the same industry? I'd prefer to do a short zoom to illustrate their full case study if you have time for it? You can reach me at or 843-720-7301. And if this isn't a fit please feel free to email me and I'll be sure not to reach out again. Thanks!

Shela Renner, Norway

Make your marketing budget work harder. For a flat rate, we’ll send your ad text to millions of website contact forms. It’s cost-effective, reliable, and guarantees your message is read. Reach out to me below if you want more details on how I make this happen. Regards, Refugia Grimley Email: Website:

Refugia Grimley, Denmark

Hi, Is your business in need of extra working capital or customizable financing solutions? We provide quick, straightforward funding options specifically designed for your business requirements. Take a look at what we provide: - Lines of Credit and Term Loans to help manage expenses and drive growth. - Loans like SBA and Working Capital to keep your business running effortlessly. - Equipment and Commercial Financing for essential upgrades. - Flexible Merchant Cash Advances that adapt to your revenue. Why Choose Us? - Simple Application Process: A one-page form gets you started. - Fast Funding: Approvals in as little as 24 hours, with up to $5 million available. - Business-Focused Criteria: Forget the FICO score—what matters is how your business performs. What You’ll Need: - At least 6 months in business. - Business checking account. - Gross monthly revenue of at least $5,000. Ready to explore how we can support your business goals? Visit or shoot us an email to get started today. Excited to support your growth! If at any point you no longer wish to receive communications, just respond to this message with the words "No Thank You". Bredmyra 179, Millerton, NY, USA, 1739

Lincoln Gomez, US

Hi there, I apologize for using your contact form, but I wasn't sure who the right person was to speak with in your company. We have a patented application that creates Local Area pages that rank on top of Google within weeks, we call it Local Magic. Here is a link to the product page . The product leverages technology where these pages are managed dynamically by AI and it is ideal for promoting any type of business that gets customers from Google. Can I share a testimonial from one of our clients in the same industry? I'd prefer to do a short zoom to illustrate their full case study if you have time for it? You can reach me at or 843-720-7301. And if this isn't a fit please feel free to email me and I'll be sure not to reach out again. Thanks!

Maryjo Gregory, Australia

Hi there, Want to elevate your brand to the next level? Here at Global Wide PR, we focus on connecting businesses like yours with impactful media platforms. Getting featured boosts trust, draws new customers, and ensures your brand stays ahead of the competition. Currently, we’re giving away a free feature on Digital Journal to help you see the impact of professional PR. Imagine adding an “As Seen On” badge to your website—it’s a proven way to boost credibility and conversions. If this opportunity sounds right for you, simply respond with "FREEPR" and I’ll guide you through the next steps. Eager to support your business’s growth! Best, Claudine Global Wide PR Should you decide to unsubscribe from our list, you can do so easily. Head over to and fill out the form with your website address.

Claudine Higgins, United States

I just got the inside scoop on a brand-new way to stack free Bitcoin faster than you can say "crypto millionaire." It’s called the 100K Bitcoin System—and no, it’s not about buying, mining, or trading. It’s literally the EASIEST way to earn free Bitcoin on autopilot. ���� No tech skills. ���� No previous experience. ���� Just follow a simple, secret method and watch the magic happen. This is your fast pass to crypto riches. Get in before this goes viral... ���� This is filling up fast—don’t miss your chance. Click Here For More Info :

Matt Bacak, Belgium

Are you leaving money on the table? If you kept employees on payroll during the pandemic, the ERC program allows you to claim up to $32,200 per W-2 worker! Time is running out—this is your final opportunity to file your claim and get the money you're owed. Learn more at:

Keith Coulston, Australia

Hi, I wanted to tell you about a variety of funding solutions created to help businesses like yours flourish and succeed. Whether you’re planning to expand, upgrade equipment, or simply boost cash flow, we offer personalized financing options to meet your needs. Here are some of the solutions we provide: Equipment & Commercial Financing: Invest in essential upgrades. Check it out now: Why Choose Us? - Easy Process: Get started with a simple, one-page application. - Quick Approvals: Funding available in as little as 24 hours, with amounts up to $5 million. - Flexible Criteria: Your business performance is key—no high credit scores required. Minimum Qualifications: - A business checking account. If now isn’t the right time for funding, I recommend you to bookmark this communication for future reference. When the time is right to explore growth opportunities or tackle challenges, having access to fast and adaptable funding can make all the difference. Interested in learning more? Feel free to visit our website a If you prefer not to hear from us with updates from us, kindly respond to this email and include "No Thank You". 202 Victoria Court, Norwich, NY, USA, 4917

Giselle Beasley, United States

Maximize Your Refund with the Self-Employed Tax Program If you’re self-employed, this is your moment to save big. The Self-Employed Tax Credit (SETC) program is winding down, but there’s still time to claim the refund you deserve! Visit: now Here’s why you can’t wait: - Discover tax credits you might have overlooked. - Get your refund in just 5-7 days after submitting your SETC packet. + Time is running out—tax credits expire in April 2025. Act now to get what you’re owed! * Why This Matters to You: - Your finances could get a huge boost with this refund. - This streamlined process makes getting your refund a breeze. Turn Q1 2025 into your most profitable quarter. Kick off your SETC claim now! Visit: now If you wish to stop to receive messages from me again, just fill the form at with your website url.

Charlotte Simmons, United States

Logistics is complicated, and container drayage? It’s pure chaos. That’s where we step in. We deliver fast, accurate information with razor-sharp transparency. Your shipments, your dollars, your data, all handled with precision and care. Bad news happens, but surprises don’t—not with us! We’re not perfect, but we always exceed expectations. We handle a range of logistics services, but container drayage is where our clients see incredible value. And once they do, they trust us with the rest. When you need solutions from Reliable Experts with Reliable Execution—you need Rely-Ex Solutions. Email us at or check out our website at

Fleta Binns, Iceland

Want high-quality videos and content fast? Try these 3 Amazing AI Tools for: **Easy video creation **Quick content generation **Text-to-speech conversion Start now and create like a pro!

Toni Garst, Great Britain

Get your message in front of millions without breaking the bank. Our service guarantees delivery to website contact forms for one affordable flat rate. No per click charges ever. Start today and grow your audience. Reach out today to find out how this works—my info is below. Regards, Linwood Rodgers Email: Website:

Linwood Rodgers, Sweden

Hi there, I apologize for using your contact form, but I wasn't sure who the right person was to speak with in your company. We have a patented application that creates Local Area pages that rank on top of Google within weeks, we call it Local Magic. Here is a link to the product page . The product leverages technology where these pages are managed dynamically by AI and it is ideal for promoting any type of business that gets customers from Google. Can I share a testimonial from one of our clients in the same industry? I'd prefer to do a short zoom to illustrate their full case study if you have time for it? You can reach me at or 843-720-7301. And if this isn't a fit please feel free to email me and I'll be sure not to reach out again. Thanks!

Gregorio Holroyd, Poland

Hello, A quick question: Did you know you may be overpaying for Microsoft products? I am asking because we supply authentic Microsoft software, enabling you to reduce costs on top products, with a ongoing warranty and instant delivery. As an official Microsoft Partner, we supply exclusively authorized keys for Microsoft Office, Windows, and Server – all at the lowest prices. Does this appeal to you? + If yes, visit our website to explore our top offers. * More about us: P.S. If you do not wish to receive our emails, just reply back and let us know.

Ava Thompson, USA

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Jannie Tindall, Netherlands

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Emily Hill, United States of America

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Listen up, savvy buyers... Native Passion is an essential for your daily lives, all from the comfort of your living room! Whether it's stylish outfits like hoodies, coats, outfits for the little ones, accessories for your furry friends, auto must-haves, and more—we got you covered. You'll love it!! Visit now to start shopping: Nativepassion Shop: If you decide not to receive future communications from this email, simply fill the form at with your domain address (URL). Damunt 27, Obersulz, LA, USA, 5085

Lucile Jephcott, United States

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Jane Tarr, USA

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Alma Roman, Australia

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Penelope Sorlie, USA


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